Friday, July 15, 2011

Obligatory Once in a Month Friday Post..

Heiyyaa there! such a pretty Friday here..

There's a lot of story i want to share. But before we go far to happy stories such as my sister's 20th birthday. I want to put my thought about something that happened just now.

Someone makes me rage this morning by saying that my grey blouse doesn't match with red cardigan i am wearing. She did it in such a way like she is a fashion expert perfected with her sardonic smile and head shake. Excuse me!! Who the hell are you? New Emma Watson? Nope, so better shut up. This person can't leave a day by not hurting my heart or whoever poor soul she has met. It is not the first time she threw sharp words without thinking about other people's feeling. This red cardigan scene is not the point. But this certain person is. Why couldn't she learn that whatever comes out her mouth is always bring down people. I think she is old enough to understand that there is manner in expressing opinion! Actually i really don't care of what she's doing as long as it doesn't ruin my mood. But she always managed to hurt me and i can't take it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

Another annoying thing: So, another someone asked me to participate in a Blog competition. This competition held by Lampung Government as a part of Lampung Fair 2011. The rule is about put a writing in our blog about a theme that they had specified before. At first i was interested to take part because they would give an ipad for the winner, but after i read the theme i feel kinda ~meh. I really hate anything related to government body or whatever they did to ~supposedly bring forward our town. I don't need to elaborate why i hate them, because i think i've written a post about this before. But the point is i don't want to put something that i don't feel fun writing it. Why should i? My blog has to represent my exact thought, right? Not something commercial or based on hypocrisy. I don't want people to force me to follow the competition and tell me that this is just a competition where i could make a story up. Hell to the no. No way! I followed a contest involving my blog before and i will do it again as long as i love the topic and feel fun doing it. Period.

Whoosaaaahh.. Inhale.. Exhale.. Ok, i'm done with my resentment. Hehe..

Okay, nexttt..

My pretty little sister (which is not little anymore btw) just had her 20th birthday at July 7th 2011. We've made a surprise for her including cakes and presents. But honestly, that was awkwardly fun. Because i've known that she was expecting the whole things and couldn't sleep. :D Her boyfriend, Hatta, gave him a blackberry that she wanted for looong time, we wanted to give it to her in style but hadn't plan it well. It became antiklimaks at the end of the day. But at least i've made a cute surprise that she didn't expect. When she opened her blackberry messenger for the first time, she found out that some of her friends has been added to her contact list and surprisingly almost all of them using the same display picture. This one :


Here's pictures of the birthday girl:

And her delizz cake:

another cute cake from her friends:

Ehm, what else huh? My daily life is still boring as before because it only consist of non stop working. New season still hasn't begin yet but yay! for the preseason. We have signed some new player like Nuri Sahin, Hamit Altintop, Jose Callejon, Raphael Varane, and Fabio Coentrão. I will start to love this new merengues and i believe it won't be too hard because the likes of Nuri Sahin and Raphael varane are lovable, no? Lately i really love listening to Christina Perri's songs. She has a great voice. Strongly recommended! Also, i found out that watching the Kardashians family is such a fun way to release tension and stress.. hehe..

Last, I want to say hi to new readers of this blog because i know there are some :P.
Here, have my smile :D

Have a good day!!

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