Friday, August 31, 2012

2 Days in Paris

So today I've managed to download Julie Delpy's movie 2 Days in Paris. I just love Julie Delpy so, I didn't have any expectation to the movie at the very beginning. I was going to enjoy it.

But in the end, I think that It gave me lessons. Lessons about love, about what it takes to love somebody. About accepting past, because some things can't be erased. No matter how hard you hate your past or his past, things happened and you have to accept it.

You can tear a page in his thesis which has a tribute sentence for other person in his past, nevertheless you can't tear the fact that it had been written down.

You can throw photos of him and person from his past but admit it the photos still had been taken.

You can delete texts, emails, or any evidence which basically rings you that there was other person before you but you can't refuse the fact that there is a past in every person.

For that reasons you can't always living in the shadow of past, you are in present and heading to the future. Stay focus and keep your eyes see straight to what's in front of you and stop, i repeat, stop looking at past. It's pointless to dwell on the past. As one chapter of your life ends, a new one begins..

Here is a nice quote from Marion that i like :

"There's a moment in life where you can't recover any more from another break-up. And even if this person bugs you 60% of the time, you still can't live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well, you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses."

Have a good night!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Mungkin karena sepi, sendiri, jenuh seharian hanya melihat 2 pasang dinding yang berhadap-hadapan maka setelah puluhan website dibuka, berulang-ulang karaoke lagu-lagu Sondre Lerche, baca buku, nonton film Captain America yang sudah lama tersimpan rapi di Laptopku, tidur-bangun-tidur-bangun, dan bersih-bersih kamar kost (yang entah sudah berapa kali disapu hari ini), so I decided to make a post. To keep my sanity :P.

Lucu memang bagaimana Saya adalah orang yang suka sekali sendirian tapi baru 3 hari saja jadi anak kost sudah bosan setengah mati. Dulu yang Saya tahu, Saya selalu teramat sangat suka punya waktu sendirian, benar-benar sendirian, apalagi ditambah dengan tumpukan buku baru, koneksi internet dan lagu-lagu favoritku rasanya waktu-waktu itu sangatlah berharga. Terutama setelah lulus kuliah dan mulai kerja, jarang sekali Saya dapatkan waktu untuk sendirian melakukan "meditasi' ala Eci itu. Walaupun libur, tahulah banyak cucian, urusan ke sana ke sini, acara keluarga dll. Sekarang setelah Saya telaah lagi sepertinya bukan itu, bukan sendirian yang Saya nikmati, tapi melakukan kegiatan sendiri dan tahu bahwa ketika Saya selesai atau merasa cukup, maka Saya tinggal membuka pintu kamar dan kembali bersama orang-orang tempat Saya membagi waktu dengan senang hati. I miss the atmosphere of home, the warmness, mom's cooks, dad's voice when reading Al Quran, sisters hilarity, and all of that.

It's not going to be this bad if only my husband was here with me. Tahu rasanya jauh dari keluarga? That's exactly how I felt when I first moved to my husband's family house. Rasanya sedih, tapi suamiku ada bersamaku. And it redeemed all those sad feeling. Sekarang pun sama, walau jauh dari keluarga rasanya tidak akan sulit saat suamiku ada. Tapi saat dia tidak ada, seperti saat ini, maka sedihnya jadi berkali lipat.

Not that I regret my choice, not at all. I know it's a process and all I have to do is to get used to it really soon. My class will start on Monday and I'm so excited to be a student again. Semoga bisa mengusir sedikit rasa sepi dan bosan walau pasti tidak akan bisa mengusir rindu.

I miss you, dear. No matter how far away we are now, I always know that you are thinking of me too. :)