Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gratitude is the best attitude

Hi! it's been a while..

So, what's up? I hope you all doing great.

You know what? I'm kinda happy this week. No, i haven't graduated yet! Still working on it, but with more spirit!! From where did the spirit come? Well, i don't know, maybe it's because i had my haircut so i can stop dealing with my hairfall :D. Or it's because World Cup 2010 has been started! (oh, excited!). And maybe because i've done the validity and reliability test (the pretest for the questionaire). Yes, three of them i guess.. hehe.. What is clear is that i made a progression about my minithesis. It's such a relief. Thank you God. :) Mmm Okay, stop talking about this boring college stuff. I've talked about this so much with my friends in college and at Facebook or Twitter. So, i've got enough.

Talking about Twitter, i think i started to be addicted to this social networking site. Ha! I can't live without tweeting, replying, retweeting, reading the Timeline and stuff. Well, i'm not saying it's good or bad. There's always two side in everything. Yes or no, agree or disagree, like or dislike, Tom or Jerry, team Jacob or team Edward (OMG,i can't believe i type this!!), and tweeting or not tweeting. See? All i know is right now i'm enjoying this and i'm having fun.

Duileee gaya bgt deh mas-mas sekalian! ;)
(pict from here)

But the problem is some people or, i must say, most people (including me) tend to do a bad human habit in Twitter. It's called COMPLAINING. I know, i know, people complains everywhere, everytime, not only at Twitter or other social networking sites. I don't wanna preaching here by saying that it's a bad habit and we should stop whatsoever. What i'll tell you is it's so hard to avoid this. So, i'm trying to make a balance of my life. I made a new moval. I started tweet about "3 good things of the day" everyday before i go to sleep. What is it about? It can be anything that you feel really made your day. Such as meet an old friend, finished reading a good book, found a very constructive quotation, bought something that you like, or eat melon (yeah i tweet this! it felt good for me). By this, i hope i never forgot that God always give me something different everyday which should be appreciated with thankfulness. By this, i hope i always remember that grant from above is not always shaped as a big number of money or winning a trip from a lottery. It can also showed as a trifle unnecessary things that come to my life. It's not a big thing actually, but at least i feel good about this. I will continue doing 3GToTD (3 good things of the day) until there's no more left to be thanked or in another word: never. Heehehe..

"Who does not thank for little will not thank for much." ~Estonian Proverb

Well, enough for today. Be good people.

PS: I'm all for Spain in WC2010. Go Spain! Go Spain! Go! Go! Go!

It's a Graphity that painted in a wall near to my house. I like it.


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